The CM Accounts Receivable operators are all involved in the credit/accounts receivable industry and are not telemarketers or debt collectors. CM Accounts Receivable professionals only make outbound telephone calls and contacts on your behalf for the outstanding invoice. Having an experienced accounts receivable professional manage these transactions increases the likelihood of success, and reduces the risk of damage to the client's long-term trading relationship.
Please note our Code of Conduct which follows.
Each business operator will have to adhere to a simple CODE OF CONDUCT.
This code of conduct is as follows:
A manufacturing business will or should, conduct regular maintenance programs to keep the machines going in good order. Accounts receivable contacts with customers can be considered a form of trading relationship maintenance to assist in keeping each trading relationship in good order.
In the case of accounts receivable, contacts can be used as a customer service, account information maintenance exercise. These contacts can be used in addition to, or in conjunction with, contacting the customer about the unpaid invoice.
Finding an excuse to the contact the customer, achieves so many positive objectives, if completed properly.
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